Sunday, 2 December 2012

My December Bonus!

As things are quite hectic during the week, we did a celebratory opening of the Sealed Pot yesterday over our tea of crusty ham rolls. We all had a guess as to how much our little pot contained and the winner was the big daughter!

She guessed £65 and there was exactly to the nearest penny £69.43. I must admit I was a little bit disappointed that it didn't quite hit the £100 mark but on the other hand I was amazed at how quickly those coins add up.
So we are going to put it towards doing something nice as a family. I have a little inkling about taking a trip somewhere nice for a little stroll, then pop into the cinema to watch the eagerly awaited Hobbit!

My weekend was quite a lazy one. I did take the dog out on a long stroll with my camera, exploring the  countryside and got some stunning photos.

I am finally feeling a little more settled in our new surroundings.
Till the next time