2012 /2013 Goals and Challenges

Big goals:

  • Be Mortgage Free in 10 Years
  • Build our own house
  • Travel within our means
  • Become an outstanding teacher
  • English Masters
  • Write a book
  • Make a significant difference to a strangers life
  • Patrick Ness to sign my copy of 'A Monster Calls'</li>

Stepping stones to Goals:

Read a book a month - collect the reading list
Have an 'Earth Day' once a month - save money, educate children importance of our environment
Organise art/museum trips for me at least twice a year
Get my photo album up to date and keep up to date
Make a quilt for charity at least once a year
Invest time in those who are important

Book List:

  1. The Thief Lord
  2. The Crimson Petal and the White
  3. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
  4. The Hobbit
  5. Tale of Two Cities
  6. Clare Tomalin's bio. Dickens a life.