Wednesday, 16 November 2011

It's been an age....

since I did a post. Where did Autumn go? Today I heard from someone on the radio that there is only 6 weeks until C*mas - WHOA! WHAT! WHEN? Did I fall asleep for 4 weeks? Oh my Goodness I got a little bit panicky at that thought - then I checked myself and made a very definite decision on that spot! I am not going to be lulled and coerced into that commercial money making scheme this year! Oh no sir-ree! So some members of my family may be a little disappointed but this year I am going to be liberated and by the end of December I am still going to have money in my bank account! That's a promise!

I have recently started working part time - only part time and by my energy levels I would think it was full time. Hopefully my SAD light will kick in and perk me up. I am on the very start of my new career and spend my afternoons in an infant school being delighted with little stories and tales from 6 year old children -I love it!

Hopefully - after my trauma of writing another essay I will update on my quilt and blanket but won't make any promises on that front just yet!

My son and I are still reading every night and have read Krindlekrax by Philip Ridley and are currently reading another of his books: Scribbleboy.

Until the next time,

Edited to add: whilst reading Scribbleboy last night we were in stitches at the crazy characters in the book and me trying to sound like a 'ganster rapper'.

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