Friday, 22 June 2012


I have been gone a long while but the last few weeks have been a time for recovery for me. I completed my Hons degree at the end of May and have felt utterly bereft. It has been a strange time because for many years and certainly for the last nine months my life was consumed with reading and analysing and writing essays - then waiting for the results of those essays - reflecting and trying to improve which turned out to be quite intense, and then for it all to suddenly stop came at quite a shock! I got up in the morning, fired up the computer (it takes a while to get warmed up!!) then realised that actually I don't need to sit at it anymore, unless I want to catch up on emails or blogs. Then I would sort of wander around the house contemplating what I should do and what I wanted to do...
Now I feel a little better about my situation, I have picked up some of my unfinished crafts that I would like to finally finish ( like my daughter's quilt) and I haven't stopped reading either - which would have been totally out of character! I feel like now I have returned to the person I once was, so I am back to the world of blogging.....
Can't wait to get started on talking about some of the books I have read and am in the process of reading but that will have to wait for another day.......
Hopefully a sunny day.......


  1. Congrats on finishing your degree. When do you get your results?

    Sft x

    1. I should know by the beginning of August - fingers crossed.
