Monday, 18 March 2013

Some time away, but I have returned!

I just had to take a breather as things got a little hectic for a while there but I am back and refreshed!

We had a wonderful time at our big wedding. My brother finally got his act together! My little darlings looked absolutely gorgeous. They both did me very proud on that day as they both fulfilled their duties wonderfully!

I am currently half way through a fabulous book that has been on my To Read Pile, for years! It is a very clever and absorbing book that has many stories weaved together! I can not wait to see the movie of this one! Normally I am not one to watch a story, I much prefer to read but for once this one intrigues me enough to want to see someone else's interpretation! I will wait until I have finished it to give a full review, perhaps with a cinematic critique too!

Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely wedding photo!

    I like the sound of this book. It sounds very clever.

    The film sounds very ambitious to cover the content of the book.

    Sft x
