Friday, 1 March 2013

Sweet sixteen!

Today, whilst out walking, I heard the delightful sounds of spring, saw the colours of the daffodils bursting through and felt that tremor of excitement that finally winter is subsiding and warmer climes are on the horizon!
Today, sixteen fun filled years ago, I married the boy from down the road! Who would have believed that those years would pass so quickly? Certainly not me, and I imagine that the next sixteen will pass in much the same fashion! How scary? I asked myself what have we achieved in those years apart from the children? Do you know it was a scary thought! Of course I had big plans for our family but when I thought about how many of them we achieved it was minimal! So, I figured something needs to change: we need to focus more on what we want out of our life, we need GOALS and we need to feel that they are achievable, none of that pie in the sky stuff, that I initially intended with no action to back it up!

So, a chat is in order!

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful flowers. I love that Spring is coming and happy anniversary Vicky!

    Sft x
